In addition to our smaller and more 'traditional' hand puppet shows, we also offer special presentations that have been specifically created for elementary schools.
These programs offer a special format which employs open discussion and feedback from the audience.  There is a direct focus placed on the topics and learning.  A highly honored program of ours is the special program we have produced on the problem of Bullying.
This very special program addresses the problems of Bullying.  Two years of research, study, and creation went into the development of this presentation and it has received wonderful acclaim from every school who has viewed it.

The Kamp Kreatures have come to your school to put on a special variety show, but we find that Eager Beaver is worried and scared about performing his act.  It seems that Eager has been bullied and doesn't know what to do.  He is even afraid to tell who the Bully is.  This begins a talk about various aspects of Bullying in a very open discussion with the school audience.  We learn what bullying is and about various types of bullying.  We see first hand how the bullying affects Eager.  We learn not to feel bad if we are bullied and different steps to take if you are involved in or witness bullying.  There is even a section where the school's specific policies are covered.

The children can easily relate to Eager Beaver and they develop feelings about his problem.  They can then discuss these feelings.  As Eager Beaver learns not to be afraid and what to do when he's Bullied, the students learn right along with him.  Along the way, the show goes on and everyone has a great time.  They also learn a great deal about why Bullying is wrong.  Most important of all, they learn not to fear it; for there is always a solution when we talk about the problem of Bullying.
We also have other great programs that focus on the importance of following Rules and Directions, feeling good about ourselves and having Self-Esteem, and the importance of Excercise and Nurtrition.   See below:
Rules Are For You And Kreatures Too
This show strives to address two key ideas concerning Social Studies.  By illustrating what can happen when structured guidelines are not in place, and/or not followed, students gain a newfound appreciation for rules. The interactive format of our performances enable us to incorporate any school rules you would like to emphasize.
Learning To See It's Great To Be Me
This show encourages students to resist peer pressure to conform while showing how self-esteem may be elevated through accomplishment and appreciation for each individual's uniqueness.  They learn through the experiences of the Kreatures as well as through open discussion.
Moving With The Kreatures
This fun & interactive show has been presented on PBS television.  It emphasizes the importance of physical fitness and nutrition… Snores, Eager, Cologne and Winks lead the exercising while Mrs. Apple and the kids help the Kreatures learn good nutritious foods to eat.  Great for Pre-School to 2nd grade

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments that you may have.  We will always be here to help you put on the best program for your organization.

Call us at:  (804) 428-6847
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